WWX Western Town Hall, General Store, Bank10+ in stock26 Loyalty Points earned.
Dystopian Industrial Set10+ in stock50 Loyalty Points earned.
Blood Bowl: Ogre Team Pitch & Dugouts10+ in stock23 Loyalty Points earned.
Myskham - The Elder Sign10+ in stock25 Loyalty Points earned.
The Old World: Watchtower of the Empire10+ in stock35 Loyalty Points earned.
Myskham - Automobile10+ in stock10 Loyalty Points earned.
The Old World: Sigmarite Chapel of the Empire10+ in stock25 Loyalty Points earned.
Immortal Tombs - Pool10+ in stock16 Loyalty Points earned.
Promethean - Derrick10+ in stock18 Loyalty Points earned.
Myskham - Subway Station10+ in stock23 Loyalty Points earned.
Dark Assembly - Tower10+ in stock5 Loyalty Points earned.
Promethean - Forge10+ in stock25 Loyalty Points earned.
Estun Village - Tavern10+ in stock20 Loyalty Points earned.
Normandy Farm - Checkpoint10+ in stock10 Loyalty Points earned.
Rio Sonora - Dwelling10+ in stock14 Loyalty Points earned.
The Old World: Walls and Fences10+ in stock16 Loyalty Points earned.
Estun Village - Saw Mill10+ in stock23 Loyalty Points earned.
Estun Village - Blacksmiths10+ in stock18 Loyalty Points earned.
Omega Defence - Watch Tower10+ in stock9 Loyalty Points earned.
Immortal Tombs - Walls10+ in stock27 Loyalty Points earned.
Promethean - Refinery10+ in stock53 Loyalty Points earned.
Rio Sonora - Arcade B10+ in stock18 Loyalty Points earned.
Buckhorn Ranch - Stables10+ in stock16 Loyalty Points earned.
Promethean - Walkways10+ in stock23 Loyalty Points earned.
Dunsmouth - 1 Providence Lane10+ in stock11 Loyalty Points earned.
Myskham - Town House10+ in stock23 Loyalty Points earned.
Buckhorn Ranch - Lodge10+ in stock10 Loyalty Points earned.
Augusta - Demolished Warehouse10+ in stock22 Loyalty Points earned.
Promethean - Mine Entrances10+ in stock8 Loyalty Points earned.
Rio Sonora - Arcade A10+ in stock25 Loyalty Points earned.
Super City - Construction Site10+ in stock14 Loyalty Points earned.
Super City - Tower Block10+ in stock33 Loyalty Points earned.