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The Devil's Playground - TYW P&S Supplement
Not your currency? The Thirty Years War was a series of conflicts that ravages large areas of Europe, especially the German provinces from 1618 to 1648. Centred on the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperors, Ferdinand II and Ferdinand III these conflicts were viewed by many as a religious war between Catholic and Protestant nations but its roots and causes were also political. A mixture of religious fervour and political ambition of the European superpowers were to pit vast armies and mighty leaders against each other. Throughout decade’s large amounts of devastation was caused, truly turning Europe into the ‘Devils Playground’.
Please Note: A copy of Pike & Shotte is required to use this supplement.
Average Age | 12+ |
Book Format | A4 |
Format | Softcover |
Game System | Pike & Shotte |
Historical Period | Thirty Years War |
Language | English |
Material | Paper/Card |
Product Code | WGP-002 |
Product Manufacturer | Warlord Games |