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The Cryx exist solely to devour any and all living things at the behest of the Dragonfather. Their strength is their surpise, speed and sheer overwhelming numbers. Their enemies must never be lax in their vigilence, for without warning and seemingly out of nowhere the Cryx can arrive across the sea on their infamous blackships.

Toruks agents, spreading like a cancer gather the dead from the battlefield. The varied and powerful military, at times seemingly defeated have suddenly risen to steal victory from its would be vanquishers. The militarys forces are made from blood starved Satyxis reavers, shambling thralls and degenerate mercenaries.

The necrotechs have placed their mark on all that walks, slithers and crawls from out of thier dark, dank workshops. Forces such as the metal rending fists of a mechanithrall, shadow forged bonejacks and helljacks, to the filth belching cannons of a bloat thrall.

Cryxian agents specifically look for bodies of arcane mechanics, innovaters and strategic thinkers to strip them of their secrets, questioning the dead is far easier than interrogating the living. This has helped bolster their jacks even more by ascertaining the make up of the arc node, allowing warcasters to channel their magics through their warjack, effectively extending the range and battle potency of teh warcasters to devastating levels.

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